Black Raven Photography
Great photos tell stories without ever speaking a word. They should inspire conversation, make you wonder about the moment, force you to ask questions, to fill in the blanks. Who is that person? What are they thinking? When was this picture taken? Where are they? Why does this moment matter?
The Black Raven is likewise a storyteller. In Greek mythology, it is a symbol of good luck and prophecy. In Hebrew theology, they guided Noah to safety and fed Elijah in the wilderness. In Viking lore, they were the eyes and ears of Odin. In Native American tradition, the raven is alternately the Creator of the World and a messenger, a revealer of secrets and a spirit guide.
I want my photos to tell your story. My goal as a photographer is to capture a single moment in time that suggests so much more. Photos that you’ll want to pass on to the next generation, so they can hold on to the past, and recall the stories of their family’s heritage.
I offer a full range of photos for your family or business.
I specialize in these types of photography:
Action Sports
Sport Portraits
Senior Photos
Professional Headshots